image of property

Discovery House, Stockport

Discovery House, Discovery Park, Stockport, SK4 5BH:

The property comprises a 3 storey building with hybrid space accommodation. There is an 8 person passenger lift, providing access to all floors of the premises. The property benefits from a 24 hour security guard and CCTV, and generous parking facilities at the rear of the building. A fantastic refurbishment has been carried out to the ground floor suite available.

Discovery House occupies a prominent position at the entrance to Discovery Park, which in turn fronts Crossley Road, close to the A6 Wellington Road North. The property is located within 2 miles of Junction 1 of the M60 Orbital Motorway and approximately 7 miles from Manchester Airport.


Part First Floor 350 sq.ft

Part Second Floor 3,750 sq.ft

Part Second Floor 350 sq.ft

Business Rates:
The Tenant is responsible for payment of business rates to the Local Authority.
The property is elected for VAT.

Please contact us on 0161 669 4000 to arrange your viewing.


Daniel Holland-Bunch / Paul Witts


0161 669 4000